Copy paste this code to the Notepad and save it as (.vbs) ----------------------- X=MsgBox("Write your message here",0+16,"Add the Title") ----------------------- Write You Message here = You can have any text you want here Add the title = It adds the title at the top ----------------------- Changing numbers after the message 0 = 1 button that says "OK" 1 = 2 buttons that says "OK" & "Cancel" 2 = 3 buttons that says "Abort", "Retry", "Ignore" 3 = 3 buttons that says "Yes", "No", "Cancel" 4 = 2 buttons that says "Yes", "No" 5 = 2 buttons that says "Retry", "Cancel" ----------------------- Changing numbers before the title 16 = "X" icon 32 = "?" icon 48 = "Exclamation" icon 64 = "I" icon