Improve your WordPress score by using Cache settings by GTmetrix itself / Cloudflare configuration

Did you know Gt Metrix actually suggests WP Fastest Cache for your WordPress websites and actually provides its a configuration for a better score? Yes, in this video tutorial you will learn how to correctly configure Cache for your WordPress website and improve your score. Additionally, those who are using Cloudflare might require to get the API and make some adjustments to the Cache -which is shown in the video.

Applying these settings and configurations, you will improve your GT Metrix score. Additionally, there are other suggestions made by the GT Metrix you can also choose to use SMUSH to compress your image sizes.

GT metrix wp fastest cache

Details: Please check this link

Here are other tutorials to improve your GTmetrix Score:

  • To improve Add Expire Headers & Leverage browser caching: Click here
  • For Defer Parsing of JavaScript: Click  here
  • To serve Scaled Images & Optimize Images: Click here
  • Loading jQuery from the Google CDN: Click here



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