Download Shorts templates: How to upload shorts on YouTube from pc?

Are you having trouble uploading YouTube shorts from your PC or laptop? Look no further! With our short template for Camtasia and sample video, you can easily create your own shorts and upload them in no time.

Remember, for shorts, the video length must be less than 60 seconds and the dimensions should be a height of 1080 and a maximum width of 1080 (we recommend using below 700). Double-check the settings to ensure the dimensions are correct.

To use our short template, simply download the video and open it with any video editing software. We personally use Camtasia, but any software will do. Work on the same frame with your own video and export it. Then, upload your video as a YouTube short and watch your views grow!

If you still have issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thanks for reading and happy uploading!



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