best WordPress plugins

Find out what best WordPress plugins is using | 2021

Here are the top WordPress plugins our website is actually using; these plugins are active and we are currently using them on our site!

Limit Login access WordPress

WordPress Security: Limit login attempts without using any plugins | brute force attack | 2021

A quick security measure to prevent brute force attacks on your WordPress website by limiting login access on your WordPress website.

How to center taskbar icons - Windows 10

How to center taskbar icons – Windows 10? | Make windows look better | 2021

Learn how you can make windows look better by customizing the taskbar icons; you can move the taskbar and change the icon’s position.

identify or find model number of your Laptop

How to identify or find model number of your Laptop – processor, RAM details, etc? Windows 10 | 2021

In less than a minute you can easily find out the model number of your laptop along with other details such as processor, RAM, etc.

Fix Wordpress stuck in maintenance mode

WordPress Tutorial: Fix stuck in maintenance mode WordPress! 2021

Is your WordPress website stuck in Briefly unavailable for schedule maintenance then, this video tutorial will quickly resolve the issue.

coming soon or Wordpress Maintenance mode without plugins

How to put WordPress site on Coming soon page or maintenance mode without using any Plugin? 2021

A quick tutorial to put your WordPress site to maintenance mode or coming soon page without using any plugins. And yes you can use your own custom designs too.


How to delete or deactivate a Facebook account using FB mobile app?

Learn how you can temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your Facebook account using the FB mobile application.

Error- Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser

Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser? 2021

If you are facing a cookie issue while trying to log in to your dashboard, then this video will give you step-by-step instructions to resolve the issue.

How to disable TouchPad on Windows 10

How to enable or disable touchpad on Windows 10 Laptop? 2021

If you do not have the option to disable touchpad on your Keyboard then, watch this video on how you can disable or enable it.

How to temporarily disable deactivate instagram

How to disable or deactivate Instagram account temporarily? | 2021

Learn how you can deactivate your Instagram account temporarily. If you temporarily disable insta, then your data will not be lost after you reactivate the account.