How to install facefusion 3.1.1 – the latest version
In this video, you will learn how to install facefusion 3.1.1 – the latest version using Anaconda. For those who do not have Anaconda, go to, click on free download, and you can provide your email or skip the registration, and download the Anaconda installer as per your system and install it to your PC.
After installing Anaconda, go to your Start menu and type Anaconda. You will find Anaconda Prompt; simply open it. Now, the first thing we need to do is create a Python environment, so for that, type “conda create –name facefusion python=3.12” (note its double dash name). This will create a Python environment with Python 3.12. Press Y and Enter. So, we have created the Python environment; now let’s activate the environment by typing “conda activate facefusion” and make sure that this base name has changed to facefusion.
After this is done, go back to the GitHub page and download the facefusion files. Go to code and download it as a zip file; the file has been downloaded. Show in folder, open the zip file, and extract the files to the desktop. Now, copy the folder address, and go to Anaconda and type “cd (space) control + V. After that, type “python –onnxruntime” and press Enter. Now you will have these options: CUDA — if you have Nvidia Graphics card, use CUDA; OpenVINO — if you have an Intel CPU, choose OpenVINO; DirectML — if you have AMD CPU and GPU, try DirectML.
Since we only have Intel CPU and no graphics card, type “python –onnxruntime openvino” (Also note it’s double dash not a single dash) and press Enter. We also need to install FFMPEG, so type “conda install ffmpeg” and press Enter. Now, let’s open the facefusion application by typing “python run –open-browser” (note it’s double dash after run before open-browser)and pressing Enter; this will download some files, so it might take some time. And the application facefusion 3.1.1 will open, and you can use it to faceswap and more.
When you want to open the application next time, you do not need to redo all the installation. Simply open Anaconda Prompt, and then activate the environment by typing “conda activate facefusion”. Then, go inside the facefusion files, copy the folder address, and in Anaconda type “cd” (space) control + V. After you are inside the folder, type “python run –open-browser” and press Enter. This will take some time to run, and the facefusion application will open. You do not need to reinstall everything!
Hope this video was useful. Thank you very much.
Installing Anaconda
1. Download and Install anaconda (
2. Open Anaconda Prompt
Installing Python 3.12 and Activating
1.conda create –name FaceFusion python=3.12 (note its double dash name)
2. conda activate FaceFusion
Navigate to the Extracted Folder
1. Download the files from the link below and extract it
2. On Anaconda go to
cd C:/Users…..
Install all the required libraries
1. pip install -r requirements.txt
Install FFmpeg
1. conda install ffmpeg
2. conda install -c conda forge ffmpeg
3. pip install ffmpeg
Run Onnxruntime
1. python –onnxruntime (Use CUDA; OpenVINO or DirectML) (Also note it’s double dash not a single dash)
Run FaceFusion
1.python run –open-browser (note it’s double dash after run before open-browser)