How to serve scaled images and optimize images - GTmetrix, without using any plugins

How to serve scaled images and optimize images – GTmetrix, without using any plugins

Understand how you can easily improve your GTmetrix score for serve scaled images and optimize images without any plugins…

How to Defer Parsing of JavaScript using simple codes

How to defer parsing of JavaScript for better GTmetrix Score?

Of many factors for a perfect GTmetrix score, here we will be looking at how to Defer Parsing of JavaScript using simple codes on functions.php file.

Improve your WordPress score by using Cache settings by GTmetrix itself / Cloudflare configuration

Improve your WordPress score by using Cache settings by GTmetrix itself / Cloudflare configuration

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to correctly configure Cache for your WordPress website and improve your score.

How to disable or hide plugin update notification& auto update plugins

How to disable WordPress plugins update notification & auto update plugins (using codes only)?

Here’s a simple code to disable or hide plugin update notification and automatically update all the plugins without using any third-party plugins.

How to add Facebook Chat box to your WordPress Website

How to add Facebook Chat box to your WordPress Website?

Learn how you can add a Facebook chat box on your WordPress website with the help of a simple plugin. It’s absolutely free. You will also know to hide the chatbox from a specific page using CSS.

how to improve GT metrix score

How to improve GTmetrix score – Add Expires headers, Leverage browser caching NO PLUGIN?

There are various factors that determine the GTmetrix score however, we will be looking at two things today – Add Expires Headers & Leverage Browser Caching.

How to change Background of an image - no Photoshop

How to remove the background of an image for WooCommerce websites (.png image) free?

If you run a WooCommerce website or just want to remove or change the background of an image, then this is the most ideal and fastest way to do it.

terms and conditions woocommerce

How to add Terms & Conditions to the checkout page (woo-commerce)?

Are you using Woocommerce for your e-commerce website? And are unsure how to add terms and condition at the checkout page?

How to improve WordPress site health

WordPress website;PHP Update, improve site health and resolve missing modules – fileinfo & Imagick!

Have you checked your WordPress Site health? It’s always a good idea to carry all the recommendations made by your website.

PHP version 7.4

How to change the PHP version for a particular website, shared hosting?

You updated your PHP version and the website is not working? Well this basically happens when you have an old website…