Create deepfake videos with Roop AI : Full tutorial 2024

In today’s video, we will learn how you can create deepfake videos using ROOP. With Roop, you can easily swap faces using just one image.

Although the Roop project we’re utilizing from GitHub has been discontinued, it still operates seamlessly. To get started, download and install Anaconda.

After installing Anaconda, open Anaconda Prompt and create a Python environment using the command ‘conda create -n [name] python=3.10’. Don’t forget to activate the environment by typing ‘conda activate [name]’. Now, download all the files from GitHub and navigate to the folder to install all the required dependencies from the requirements.txt file. You will also need to install onnxruntime and ffmpeg.

Once all dependencies are installed, run the provided command to initiate the face swap process. You will only need to replace the video and image links with your desired inputs in the code.

This process of conversions can take from minutes to hours. Please be a little patient. Anyway, so this is how you can install and run an AI-powered face swapping with Roop AI. Thank you very much.



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