How to send large files more than 1.5 GB via email

How to send large files via Gmail (Without google drive) and for Free!

This video tutorial will share with you how you can send large files (any files or folder) and up to 2GB for free using Gmail or any other email provider.

How to change the default logo, it's URL and the error message on the WordPress login page (wp-admin)?

How to change the default logo, it’s URL and the error message on the WordPress login page (wp-admin)?

Did you ever want to customize your website’s login page (/wp-admin) using your own logo? Well then with a few simple codes you can achieve this.

How to locally host WordPress websites Windows or Mac

How to locally host WordPress websites using Windows or MAC (no XAMPP, no hosting or domain name required)!

If you are a freelancer or a beginner – willing to learn WordPress or website building then this is the best option for you.

How to Fix Internal Server Error - 500 or Critical Error

How to Fix Internal Server Error – 500 & Critical Error on a WordPress website? | 2020

There must be situations where you might have encountered Internal Server Error or Critical error on your WordPress websites. These errors are usually caused because of wrong codes

How to make a free call to the USA and Canada

How to make free calls to the USA (any number) from any country using Windows or Mac? | No Cost

Did you know you can make free calls to the USA and Canada? Yes, it’s absolutely free – and there are no restrictions in minutes or whatsoever.

How to convert kindle books to pdf

How to convert Kindle Books to PDF – DRM Books no calibre | Free Software

As we got many requests to convert Kindle to PDF, we came up with a smart idea to convert e-books to PDF without using calibre but with some free software. It really doesn’t matter if the books are DRM protected or not.

Improve WordPress website Score - GTmetrix Free Plugins

How to improve WordPress website’s speed (GTmetrix) using Free plugins?

If you looking to improve Gtmetrix optimization score or YSlow, then these two free plugins will get you a better score. Please try them and configure the settings accordingly.

How to download an hour plus Online Live Webinar (free) from various platforms

How to download an hour plus Online Live Webinar (free) from various platforms?

Like us, most of them must have seen YouTube or google ads asking you to join a FREE WEBINAR, but do you really think those webinars are actually live?

RESOLVE YOUTUBE video not playing working after TOR browser update (version 10 - for Windows Mac) 2020

RESOLVE: YOUTUBE video not playing /working after TOR browser update (version 10 – for Windows / Mac)? 2020

Have your YouTube videos stopped working after updating to the latest TOR version 10? If yes, then this is how you can solve it.

How to add Music to your Instagram Story

How to add Music to your Instagram Story

So your Instagram does not have a MUSIC option to add in your story? Well, then this tutorial is for you whether you are or aren’t from these region.