Codes – Preload Key Requests for WordPress websites

Are you looking to resolve the Preload Key requests shown on Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix? Use this code to fix the issue.

Codes for Woocommerce checkout page customization and others

Here are some of the useful codes for checkout page customization and others. We will not use any third party pluins to make the modification.

Command Prompt code to hide folder or files in Windows 10

Using this command prompt (CMD) code you can easily hide folders of files on Windows 10. Also, the files/folder hidden via this method will

Codes to add delete WordPress revisions or add revisions limit

These are very simple codes to delete WordPress revisions or add WordPress revisions limit on your pages or posts, manually, without using any plugin(s).

DRM Plugin for Calibre 5.x

Here is the latest release (Dec 2020) of the DeDrm plugin for the Calibre 5.x version, feel free to download and convert your kindle to PDF.

Change WordPress default logo (and URL) on the login page

Adding this code to your functions.php (or the theme’s functions) you can easily customize your WordPress login page logo. You can change the default WordPress logo and its URL.

Change the Error Message – WordPress login page (wp-admin)

WordPress by default gives a hint or in fact, confirms the username if anyone uses a wrong password with a correct username. This could actually be a little risky and could lead to brute force attacks.

Host your WordPress Locally on you PC

DesktopServer is an easy software that will enable you to install and work with WordPress locally on your computer. You will be able to make changes to WordPress before transferring to the actual host.

Convert videos to JPG (image files)

With this easy tool, you can easily convert a video file to JPG. You can convert videos to images using a VLC player too, however, this tool (download link below) is handier as there are a couple of options you can choose from.

Convert Images (JPG) to PDF

If you have loads of images and want it as a single file, then you can simply convert all of them to one PDF. This will be handy very easy especially if it’s a scanned contract or agreements (or scanned books)